Posted on 2/15/2016
“Sorry, I broke the (insert whatever part here) when I was working on the engine, transmission, dash” or whatever they were working on. This is where some “hidden” costs come from, those parts that are broken, not on purpose, not even out of negligence, but parts that are, in fact broken during disassemble or reassembly. Who pays for those parts? Big or small the business usually pays because in most States it is illegal to take the money from the employees check to pay for them. So how does the business make up for these losses? Generally they don’t, “it is part of doing business” is the usual statement followed by, “I sure hope it doesn’t cost too much”. Whether it does or doesn’t cost a lot is irrelevant because it must get replaced, again, usually at the businesses expense. So where does the business make up this money? In a lot of cases they simply don’t. There is a way however to help this situation become m ... read more