Posted on 6/3/2019
Wants & Needs One of Webster’s Dictionary’s primary definitions of “Want” is: to have a strong desire for One of Webster’s Dictionary’s primary definitions of “Need” is: a condition requiring supply or relief When a coach or trainer asks you for your Wants and Needs, what do you think they are looking for? Let’s look at a few examples; A “Want”—could be to achieve 1 million dollars in business this year! But you only have 2 Techs and you as the Advisor. The “Need”--for that goal would be to hire more staff to achieve your “Want” So, what is the most important between “wants and needs”? They are both not only important, they are vital to the success and growth of every business! “Wants”, drive you to be better, to visualize something achievable or not, but require you to start “the process ... read more